I have loved, loved, LOVED reading all of your comments and experiences on turning 30!
Truth be known, I’m actually really looking forward to my thirties. Like so many of you said, you are old enough to be taken seriously and young enough to enjoy almost all of the same activities you’ve always loved to do. As cliche as it sounds, age really is a state of mind. I can only hope that I will be passionately pursuing what God has for me when I am 80, in the same way as when I am 30. And 40. And 60. It is a shame when people “outgrow” their ability to enjoy all of the wonderful blessings of life by fixating on the challenges of it. I can only pray that I can keep the same attitude when my joints need some oiling in my old age! haha
In my opinion, beauty is only enhanced with aged. There is nothing more beautiful than a joyful, sweet old lady. It shows that she has allowed God to take the hardships of life and develop her character and gain wisdom, empathy and compassion. Don’t buy into the media’s lie, beauty does not come from age-defying products, nips and tucks, or the size of your body. You will never be 21 again. To hold your appearance (weight, skin, etc) to the standard of how you looked at 21 (or 18 or 40), is not only unrealistic but is just plain being mean to yourself. If I am alive and healthy at 30, then I count that as a blessing. If I am alive and healthy at 80, that is really a big ol’ blessing. And if I look like an old woman…then so be it. I can guarantee no 21 year old will have mastered the art of an apple pie the same way my 80 year old self will have! HA!
So here is to being the age you are! Enjoy this season that the Lord has for you!
Now let’s give some goodies away!!
Emily from Le Quaintrelle is graciously giving the Happy Homemaker to another reader… so the new winner is:
Happy Homemaker winner: Canneholt
Prairie Pretties winner: Jopwood
4th of Jubilee winner: Jessica
Thank you all for entering!